Our Mission Statement
The objective of His Way Recovery House is to provide a clean, sober, safe, stable, and supportive environment so that the residents can begin to fine-tune their lives. We strive to help residents build healthy, independent, productive, and satisfying lives. Thus, empowering them to accept responsibility for meeting their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. As residents meet these goals and maintain healthy relationships, the result will be increased self-esteem and success..
His Way Recovery House currently has eleven homes in Manteca, California with plans for opening several more in the future. Our homes are operated by a dedicated and friendly staff of volunteers who assist the guests in maintaining a home free from drugs or alcohol.
What We Offer
A clean & sober living environment to make certain that the individuals reclaiming their lives have safe and positive surroundings that promote success.
Who Is Eligible
Men and women who have been approved by an authorized representative of His Way Recovery House are eligible to participate in our program. We currently do not have an in-home detoxification program, therefore, some participants may need to go to a facility that is equipped to provide for the specific medical and physical needs of someone detoxifying before becoming a resident at our homes.
The Key Is Choice
The answer is obvious - You Have Options! You do not need to spend your life in failure. Those who live in unhappy failure have not exercised their options for a better way of life, often because they were not aware that they had any choices. How you live your life is your choice.
Funding Sources
His Way Recovery House is a non-profit organization that depends on donations from individuals, businesses, churches, civic and community organizations, and foundations as well as various fundraising events that we have the privilege to host. *
How Can You Help?
You can support the efforts of His Way Recovery House by donating funds and/or household items needed for the continued operation of our homes. Donations are tax-deductible, receipts are provided. No gift is too small.
(209) 401-9126
220 South Airport Way
Manteca, CA 95337
Th 6p–8p
F 6p–8p
Su 2p–4p
* We host a fundraiser carwash at the 7-Eleven parking lot on the corner of El Portal & Yosemite Ave. every Saturday from 7:30am to 6pm. All proceeds always support the His Way Recovery House Ministry. Come get your car cleaned and support a great cause!

Jennifer O'Leary
His Way recovery house has taught me how to live a new lifestyle ...clean and sober. I have put my faith and trust in the Lord our Creator. I can do all things through Jesus Christ Who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13) I have been sober for two years, restored my relationships with my family, made new friends who also are on the same drug and alcohol free jouney. The dark cloud is gone and I know am clear-minded and able to make good decisions for my future. Thank you His Way for saving my life.
Trini Miller-Lantz
Four years ago, I had myself convinced that I was treading water, but what I was really doing was sinking. Addiction had become a part of my life, and I had surrendered to it. I had surrendered my life, my children, my family and everything else I held dear. In October of 2009, God dramatically stepped in and took his child back. He brought me to His Way on November 17th, which is my sobriety date. Before coming to His Way, I can honestly say that I was unable to visualize anything better for myself. Even when I tried, I could not see anything that gave me hope for my future. His Way changed all of that. I gave my life to my Lord, and He has made all my paths straight. He has restored everything that was broken in my life, and I now enjoy what I used to think was an impossibility for me. I have a past, it has taught me how to be grateful for what I have. I have a future, filled with possibilities. My children are with me, my relationship with my family is a huge blessing. I have a beautiful home and I am married to the love of my life who shares my past, as well as my future. If God hadn't brought me to His Way, I would have nothing and I wouldn't even know what I was missing. I now stand on the promises of an ever-loving merciful God, and my life is living proof that God can change anyone. His Way is my family. I owe this program my whole life. Thank you Jesus for His Way Recovery!
Nicole Hyske
First and foremost, it is important for me to make this crystal clear to all who are reading this: No matter what I did, or tried, it made no difference what the consequences were - I was not able to stay clean and sober. I was an IV Meth user and a heroin and Oxycontin addict and every other lethal substance I could get my hands on. Having been incarcerated for many years I still could not see how destructive I was to myself and to the people in my life. I was a victim and what I was doing was justified in my mind. I was arrested in August of 2011 and was and facing many years in prison for my crimes. I was convicted of 17 felonies and I was sentenced to 9 year joint suspension …this time prison would be my new home. Pleading guilty was my only option and a roll of the dice from there. God must have been looking out for me, for I was also given the opportunity that day in court to be a resident of His Way Recovery House. What did I have to lose? For the first time in 17 years I decided to give sobriety a chance. I arrived on a Thursday night at His Way Recovery which also happened to be church night. Brother Al began to speak and from the moment I heard what he was saying I knew I had a chance at life. I was desperate to hear more of what Brother Al had to say. My heart began to soften and I was open to listening to the truth as painful as it was. With the grace of God and the incredible support system at His Way Recovery, August 3rd, 2013 marked my two year sobriety date. Today I have freedom, freedom that would have been restricted by four concrete walls just a few short years ago. Today I have the tools to stay clean and sober. Today I am able to help new comers to the program …help them to see that there is a better life once you surrender and allow God to be in your life. Today I am married to a wonderful man and we are expecting our daughter anytime now. I also was granted custody of my 4 year old daughter and I'm working very hard every day on my relationship with my 2 sons. Thank You His Way Recovery for having faith in me and for never giving up on me. For this I am grateful!
Our Serenity Prayer
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace; Taking as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that you will make things right if I surrender to your will, so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You in the next. Amen."
The His Way Recovery House Baptist Mission is conveniently located at 220 S. Airport Way - Manteca, CA nearly exactly at the intersection of Airport Way and Yosemite Ave.
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